Urban Flowers Chicago


F l o w e r  C a r e

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.

~ Luther Burbank


Roses From Ecuador

Roses care instructions:

At Urban Flowers Chicago, we have some great advice for how to care for fresh cut roses, using the following tips:

Caring for Cut Roses

  • With these easy reminders you can extend your enjoyment of our roses.

  • Remember roses are very thirsty! Make sure your vase never runs low or if they are in a foam oasis, make sure the foam is always dripping moist.

  • If your roses are delivered loose in a box, keep them in a cool dark place until they can be arranged.

  • Prior to arranging, remove all the leaves, especially those below the waterline. Prepare a clean vase that suits the size of your rose bouquet.

  • While holding your roses under running tap water or distilled standing water, cut 1 inch off the bottom of each stem. Avoid using a home or commercial water softener as the salts can cause premature wilting.

  • Use sharp floral pruners when cutting. This process will stop air bubbles from penetrating the stem.

  • Make sure you add the correct amount of floral preservative and if you refill your vase, be sure to add more floral preservative.

  • When picking a location, try to display your roses away from drafts, heating vents, and bright sunny windows.

  • If a rose should wilt prematurely, check the stem for any breaks or scrapes. If there is no visible damage, try re-cutting the stems


Flower South America Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas care:

After cutting the stems, promptly place the flowers in clean water.

Make sure to keep plenty of cold water in the vases as hydrangeas drink a large amount of water. The water level in the bucket should cover the whole length of the hydrangea stem. You can add ice to the water as hydrangeas prefer cold water. If you remove the Hydrangea from water it will show fatigue quickly. Re-cut the stems and change the water every 2 to 3 days or as needed. We recommend adding flower food to the water.

If the flower heads look tired or need to perk up, immerse the entire bloom and stem completely under cold water and let the flowers soak for 20-40 minutes. This can be done in a bathtub if you have many flowers at once. You may need to weigh down the blooms with other blooms or something else that can keep them below water. Up until the time of making your hydrangea flower arrangements, keep them in very cool place but make sure it does not freeze. Depending on care and time of year, 
you can usually expect your blooms to last an average of 4-7 days.

In case you find any dark or fading looking petals in the hydrangea simply remove them. It is normal to find several noticeably damaged petals and unwanted foliage all of which can be easily removed without damaging the Hydrangea.




Orchid Plant

Air Plant Care

Succulents Care Guide

Succulent plants are always in style. With juicy leaves, stems, or roots, succulents form a vast and diverse group of plants, offering easy-care choices for your home. Plus, they look stunning planted alone or as companions.
The color variation of succulents seems almost endless: blue-green, chartreuse, pink, red, yellow, white, burgundy, almost black, variegated. The leaves may be rounded, needlelike, berrylike, ruffled, or spiky.
Light: Succulents prefer bright light, such as found on a south-facing window. Watch the leaves for indications that the light level is correct. Some species will scorch if suddenly exposed to direct sunlight. The leaves will turn brown or white as the plant bleaches out and the soft tissues are destroyed. Alternatively, an underlit succulent will begin to stretch, with an elongated stem and widely spaced leaves. This condition is known as etoliation. The solution is to provide better light and prune the plant back to its original shape. Many kinds of succulents will thrive outdoors in the summer.
Temperature: Succulents are much more cold-tolerant than many people assume. As in the desert, where there is often a marked contrast between night and day, succulents thrive in colder nights, down to even 40ºF. Ideally, succulents prefer daytime temperatures between 70ºF and about 85ºF and nighttime temperatures between 50ºF and 55ºF.
Water: Succulents should be watered generously in the summer. The potting mix should be allowed to dry between waterings, but do not underwater. During the winter, when the plants go dormant, cut watering back to once every other month. Overwatering and ensuing plant rot is the single most common cause of plant failure. Be aware, though, that an overwatered succulent might at first plump up and look very healthy. However, the cause of death may have already set in underground, with rot spreading upward from the root system. A succulent should never be allowed to sit in water.



LIGHT: Keep in bright but indirect indoor light

TEMPERATURE: Best range is 65-80°F while blooming.

WATER & FERTILIZER: Do not  water if the potting medium is still wet. Submerge the entire pot in water for 5 minutes, or place 2-3 ice cubes on the top of the potting medium when thoroughly  dry. Fertilizer with a balanced mix every other watering at ½ the normal dose

CONTINUING CARE: After the last flowers expires, cut the spike above the node from which the 1st flowers appeared. A new spike can branch off within weeks. Alternately, remove the flower spike entirely to allow the plant to recover and form a new spike in 3-4 months.

Water: completely submerge your air plant in water for 20-30 minutes every week. After soaking, gentle shakeout excess water and set them upside down to dry before returning to their display.

Light: Air plants require bright indirect light which can be sunlight or consistent indoor lighting.

Display: Showcase your air plants in terrariums, bowls, on driftwood or tabletops. Do not place air plants in soil.